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Life Groups

Grow together in faith by joining one of our Life Groups.

What Are Life Groups?

Life Groups are an extension of what we learn about Jesus on Sundays. A communal effort to practically apply Jesus' teachings in our daily lives.

Our Life Groups are intimate gatherings of people pursuing spiritual growth together in 3 major areas:

  1. Love - God and others by growing through relationships
  2. Learn - Studying the Scriptures together
  3. Live - Serving the world by reaching out to others beyond the group

These groups meet on a quarterly basis, typically for 6-10 weeks, and study a variety of topics.

Interested? Find out which small groups are in progress, what will be studied, when and where they'll be held, and other pertinent information below.

Summer In The Psalms

The book of Psalms is the perfect book to reflect on the love and beauty of God. It's a poetic love letter between the psalmists and God. It reflects on the loneliness of being distant with God and the comfort of being near to God. 

This Summer study the Psalms with us on Sunday at 10 am and during the week we will discus the sermon in small groups:

Tuesday at 10:30 am, in person at the church building

Thursday's at 7 pm, in person at the church building

Friday evenings 7 pm on ZOOM

Sign Up Now for the Summer Small Groups 

Jesus is too good to keep to yourself. Invite a friend change a life!