
Partner with us as we partner in the mission of Jesus.

Why do we give?

Everything we have comes from God in the first place. We give because we believe God has entrusted us to be leaders for hope in our church and our community.

What does "tithe" mean?

The Bible teaches that a guideline for giving is called the tithe (Leviticus 27:30). That is giving 10% of what we earn back to God.

What does "offering" mean?

An offering is a gift given to a specific need above and beyond our tithe.

What the Bible teaches

Giving acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have (James 1:17).

Giving reflects our trust that God will provide for us (Matthew 6:19-24).

Giving allows us to be active participants in God's work on earth (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).

Four easy ways to give

We make giving simple and secure. There are four easy ways to donate:

1) Give Online: Donate a single gift or schedule ongoing giving online.

2) Text: Any dollar amount to 84321.

3) Mail: Send your check to 2658 Corner Lane Bellmore NY 11710

For security purposes, please DO NOT mail cash.

4) In-Person: Drop your donation in the offering box on your way out!

Donate Clothing: In the parking lot of our building, there is Clothing Box. The funds received for use of that space helps support our food pantry, so we appreciate your contributions of gently-used clothing and accessories towards this meaningful and dual-purpose cause.